The Trevi Fountain is one of the world’s most famous water features and is certainly Rome’s best. It’s quite large, but so are the crowds that are drawn here to see it day and night. The fountain dates back to 1762 and shows Neptune flanked by two horses. People sit around the outer wall occasionally dangling their feet in the water, but if you want to try this, bear in mind that the water gushes with so much force that you’ll probably get wet. The best time to see the fountain without large crowds is early in the morning.

The Piazza di Trevi, which is dominated by the fountain, is just off Largo Chigi, not far from the main thoroughfare Via del Corso. Finding the Trevi Fountain though can be quite a challenge so do make use of the map below. Look out for the small “Fontana di Trevi” tourist signs on the walls of buildings nearby and occasionally there are signposts too. When you find the right street, you’ll hear the water as you approach! Also don’t forget to make a wish by throwing a coin into the fountain and see if it comes true. The fountain is surrounded by gelato and souvenier shops and small restauraunts.

Address: Fontana di Trevi, Piazza di Trevi, Rome, Italy
Metro: The nearest Metro stop is Barberini
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