Grenelle Market operates on Wednesdays and Sundays underneath the overhead line 6 metro track in Paris. It’s a traditional French market selling everything from freshly made bread to clothes and from delicious cheeses to lush-looking vegetables. The market is always busy and it’s a great place to browse and soak up the atmosphere even if you’re not planning to buy anything. Spend some time walking through the stalls and it will be one of the highlights of your Paris trip.
As the day progresses, the market stall holders slowly run out of their goods, so if you want to buy, the best quality stuff goes earliest. If you just want to browse, then go any time and if you want to eat, then around lunchtime many of the stalls sell home made dishes. The last time we were there we saw paella, roast chicken, pizza, cheese baguettes etc.

The market runs between the Motte-Piquet and Dupleix Metro from 7am to 2.30pm on Wednesday and Sunday although we’ve seen some trading beyond that time on Sundays. Once you’ve finished at the market, there are more shops in the area surrounding La Motte-Piquet Grenelle metro station. There’s a Monoprix supermarket, some lovely cafes, pâtisseries and other food shops. There’s even a Starbucks here now!

This part of Paris is a lovely area to stay in with quiet streets all in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. Our favourite hotel in Paris, Hotel Ares Eiffel, is just off the Blvd de Grenelle and we thoroughly recommend staying here for a slice of boutique luxury at an affordable price.
Address: Marché Grenelle, Blvd de Grenelle, 75015 Paris, France
By Metro, you can get off at either La Motte-Piquet Grenelle or Dupleix as the market runs between the two stations underneath the metro line.
Grenelle Market – Tripadvisor reviews
Hotel Ares Eiffel – Our favourite Paris hotel is near the Grenelle Market
More Hotels in Paris – Great deals from Hotels.com
Paris Guide Books – Amazon.co.uk