Quincy Market is a huge long building which dominates the Faneuil Hall Marketplace in Boston. Its grand Roman design with columns at each end, really stands out and the centrepiece inside is a beautiful domed roof. You’d expect this place to be housing some kind royalty, but its purpose now is the same as it’s always been. It was built as an extension to Faneuil Hall in 1826 and is jam-packed with vendors selling their products on stalls. There are a number of eateries here too and it’s worth heading upstairs to see the dome, even if you don’t plan to eat in the food court. If you’d like to learn more about it’s history, then take the Boston History Highlights Afternoon Tour which calls into Quincy Market.

When you enter Quincy Market at either end, you are greeted by a line of 35 food stalls and 49 shops which are part of the central colonnade. Here’s the official description…. “a melting pot of fresh homemade delicacies from all over the world. Exotic coffees, fresh seafood, baked breads, gourmet desserts, hearty gyros and healthy salads are just a few of the food delights to be eaten at butcher block tables in the building’s central Upper and Lower Rotunda, on an outdoor bench or on a stroll through the halls.”

Quincy Market is open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 9pm and on Sundays from 12 noon to 6pm. Restaurants within Quincy Market may have different hours. Admission the the market is free. Faneuil Hall and Quincy market are part of the Boston Freedom Trail Walking Tour.
Address: Quincy Market, Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston, MA 02109, United States
Tel: +1 617 523 1300 (Faneuil Hall Marketplace)
Hotels near Quincy Market/Faneuil Hall – Great deals from Hotels.com
More Boston Hotels – Expedia.co.uk
Wikipedia – Quincy Market page
Faneuil Hall Marketplace – Official website
Boston Guide Books – Amazon.co.uk